2024 Prophetic Words
For you today from the Father...
In the still, quiet places you will hear my voice. Listen child, 'tis not your responsibility to take the burdens of the world into your hands. Allow me to Father you. Let me be your rock and shelter in the storm.
You need not be alarmed. They sound the alarm of fear, but from me comes a heavenly trumpet sound. So, stand on guard as protector of your heart. This is where I need you most in times of turmoil and uncertainty. Train yourself in this matter so that you, in your wisdom and experience, can model for others, an undivided heart.
You see, fear penetrates. It rattles the place from which you hear my voice. Come to me and I will give you rest from the swirling of the mind and the worries of your heart. Hide your heart in me, and I will take care of you.
Have I failed you yet? Have I diverged from my character? Have I loved you all along? Why would I stop loving you now? I won't! I am the same God you saw in the fire in times past. The same God who parted the waters. The same Father who provided. The one who heard, restored, and delivered.
Look at our beautiful history, oh people of God! You found me in the valley and in the shadows, and you will find me now! What is your heart condition today? Go on... take a minute and check. Are you under my wings or running frantically into the ambush? The breadth of my wingspan is enough for all. No one is excluded from the safe and loving arms of the Father.
Speak silence to the voices that are not mine and come closer to me. I will comfort you. I will salve your heart and restore it to fullness. Stay here and do not leave, I urge you. For the enemy is on the prowl, and terror comes in the night for a heart open to the taunts, but I... I will give you peace, love, warmth, and gentle embrace. Allow me to continue to show you my goodness and faithfulness.
It is I whom you can trust.
I felt a stirring this morning as we land on Oct 1. There is deep spiritual significance around this date. TODAY is a great day for some of you who are ready to accept THIS invitation:
I heard the Lord say this: Today you will be raised up as a warrior. Mighty and strong in battle. I need my people to unite as a fortress. There is action taking place in the spirit and I am recruiting you! So come, and join the force! Of course, this is not obligatory (no legalism here!), as everything in the Kingdom is an invitation, but for those of you who are seeking training in the spirit, NOW IS THE TIME.
It does take commitment and dedication, as with any form of training, but what I have prepared is already inside of you. I prepared it long ago. It SIMPLY (because it’s me!) needs to be unlocked. Much is accessible to you, and little is required as it already exists (of course, in other cases, much is required, but this does not apply to today’s call to action). What I need is your partnership on this one. Will you partner with me to unlock the things you are holding within you? There is also that which will be unlocked in the spirit. There is always more available to you.
Oct 1 is a day to say “yes” to your calling. Each and everyone of you is called to battle. No one is exempt. It’s an honor and a privilege to FIGHT ON THE TEAM OF A KING! I oversee the spirit realm and the earthly realm. I can take all things and use it for good, and this is what I am so ambitious to do today. Together we can “move mountains”!
When you unite as one, much can be done in the spirit. You need not even know who you are connected with, but by accepting my invitation you are entering onto a team of warriors who are already fighting in battle. You are united in spirit and in truth. Together, as one, for the Kingdom of God.
Feeling ill equipped? Unsure? Wobbly? …ferocious? That’s it! I am calling it out of you! You are fierce in the spirit when you fight with me. I will keep you close. You have nothing to fear. I will protect your heart and your mind AND your family. Your confidence will soar! Your feet will plant. You are strong and steady and an OVERCOMER.
Come away with me into unknown places. I know EXACTLY where I am taking you. It requires trust (Jesus is holding out his hand in this moment of decision), yes. It also requires laying down that which you believe in exchange for what I want to show you. I know it’s uncomfortable (speaking to some), but in the places of surrender and commitment to me is where you will find me.
What do you say? Fight the good fight? Join a team of Kingdom warriors lead by me? Don’t worry, I am a patient God, and there will be other opportunities to enter in. Do not feel pressured… but pray! I am awaiting your answer with gladness to have extended this invitation and hope and excitement for your breakthrough and upgrade!
In my quiet time with the Lord this morning, He shared this heartfelt message with me to share with you!
“Brethren (intended as all inclusive), Move toward one another in unity. For a tree never blossoms just one but a plentitude, which together form one beautiful image of creation. Only one would be a lonely and underdeveloped depiction of my love and goodness. For one needs another, and I need you, collectively.
So unite ye children of God, as if on one family tree. The tree of Jehovah. You are under me, and I am your protection. It is my delight to gather you and see you working together as one body, one church, one love, one heart- a heart like mine.
This is what I desire to impart to my children…my heart. I created you for me. I am a relational God, and since you carry my DNA and my heart, you, therefore, are a relatonal people. Oh, how this fills me with joy! I dance in heaven over my intentions for you!
My plans for you are perfect, without wrinkle or wart. So, come together, my children. Allow me to dance over you in great honor of your obedience and desire to be in my will.
I will help you. Of course, unity does not come without a cost. It will offend people and they will scowl and mock you. Leave them to me. I will hide you in my perfect will.
When you follow my plans, there is always grace. There is grace for unity and you are covered by my blood. It spills out over you. It runs through you.
Oh, how kind and generous you have been to lend your ear and heart to my words.
So, blossom together under one God- me! Unify with your brothers and sisters. Beat together with the same undivided heart. My Holy Spirit is at work within you!”